1.Learn the Rules.
Hmmmm. Rules rules rules. My most favorite thing about roller derby...NOT. I know, I know, the WFTDA rule book is not as exciting to read as Fifty Shades of Grey, but it's well worth the effort. It's also a bit tricky, because a new rule-set comes out every year, but I have to say that I dusted off the ol' rule book this year and hit the books hard. I gotta tell you, I learned a lot! In fact, it saved me a few trips to the penalty box, so if you're looking to reduce your time off the track, the rule book is the place to start.
2.Make it to RollerCon.
Mission accomplished! In fact, I was the only girl from our league there. It made me a little sad, because I didn't know a whole lot of people, but I have no regrets about going. RollerCon is definitely the place to go if you need a new spring in your step- er- I mean skate. With a ton of classes taught by the best roller derby players in the world, they're tailor-made for each skill you're trying to pull off next. With scrimmages, merch, bouts, and parties, RollerCon is the Mecca for any roller girl. While I was there, the Ark Valley Rollergirls, a league not far from my town took me under their wing and pretty much adopted me for the week. It was so amazing to hang out with these ladies; they were kind, fun, and I had a blast with them. With all of the relationships I cultivated, things I learned, and experiences I had, I'll definitely be making the trip again this year!
3.Win One MVP Trophy at a WFTDA sanctioned bout.
Promises, promises. Unfortunately I only managed to accomplish this one 50% of the way through. I won an MVP trophy for a home bout (which I kicked BUTT in BTW) but my goal was to win one during a travel team bout. I wanted the ladies of the other team, who had never seen us in action, to see me as a valuable asset to my team. Call this a selfish goal if you will, I understand, but can you blame me for wanting to ROCK THE BOUT??! So this goal will be rolling over to this year, and somehow, someway, I will accomplish it! That being said, doing what's best for the team is more important than making yourself look good, so be a team player and rock the bout!
I totally jumped the apex, once. ONCE. But I did it! So it's practice, practice, practice until I do it again. And again. One day it will be rainbows and cupcakes over that apex jump, so I'll just keep on truckin' until it happens.
5.Be Awesome.
Hmmm...can I truly answer this one objectively? Last year I vowed to stop complaining, work out, eat right, and leave it all on the track. Did I do that? Did I accomplish my goal of being awesome? Heck yes I did! I focused a lot on my nutrition this year and making sure I worked out a few days every single week other than derby. I also stopped playing it safe and tried hard to push myself during practice. This is probably the most important thing you can do to better yourself. Set goals, set timelines, and then push push push!
So in the spirit of the new year, follow my lead (which is excellent) and set your own Roller Derby New Year's Resolutions!
Cheers to a great new year,
The Original Skankster
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