FoCoGGD also is proud to celebrate league founder Jerica “Urrk’n Jerk’n” Martin, who has been selected to compete on Team USA for the Roller Derby World Cup! Martin skates with Denver’s Rocky Mountain Roller Girls and is a national champion from last year’s ultimate derby competition. The tournament will be held Dec. 1-4 in Toronto and is the first of its kind. Seven skaters from Colorado were chosen – more than from any other state – proving once again that Colorado is home to some of the best derby players in the world.
A portion of the proceeds from this bout will go to the Fort Collins Bike Co-op, an organization that promotes bicycle riding and safety, and refurbishes bikes for those who can’t afford them.
Tickets are $10 presale and $15 at the door. Students and members of the military receive a reduced rate of $10 with a valid ID. Ages 12 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased through the Rollerland Skate Center ticket booth, from any FoCo derby girl or online at or Purchases also can be processed by phone at 800-838-3006.