July 31, 2009
July 27, 2009
Logo Design Contest
That's right all you artsy-derby lovers!
We want you to design the sweetest derby logo in existence for your very own FoCo Girls Gone Derby. We are looking for your original design, or new rendition of our existing logo, to plaster on posters, handbills, t-shirts, buttons and everything FoCo!
And what do you get in return? Well, aside from fortune, fame and the undying adoration of the FoCo Girls Gone Derby, you'll receive a Weblink, recognition in the 2010 FCGGD Programs, a 2010 VIP Season Ticket and a sweet swag bag of Derby merch featuring your design.
1. All artwork submitted must be original and may not compromise the copyright of any previously published piece or other derby league's logo.
2. All artwork must be submitted by Nov. 2.
3. Number of entries is unlimited.
4. Entries must incorporate the text "FoCo Girls Gone Derby".
5. Entries may be submitted via email to winnie_chester_270@yahoo.com. Emails should not exceed 8MB. Zipped/Compressed files are acceptable. Submissions on CDs will be accepted, however, CD will not be returned.
6. Vector-based entries are preferred, however entries may be submitted in the following formats: .EPS .AI(CS3 or Below) .PSD .PDF .JPG .TIF
7. Entries must include artist's name, phone number and email address.
8. Upon entry in to the FoCo Girls Gone Derby Logo Redesign Contest, artist agrees to allow FoCo Girls Gone Derby to reproduce/display logos for contest promotional purposes.
9. Winner of the FoCo Girls Gone Derby Logo Redesign Contest agrees to allow FoCo Girls Gone Derby unlimited use/reproduction rights of the winning logo for FoCo Girls Gone Derby promotional purposes.
Submissions will be judged by FoCo Girls Gone Derby. After an intial round performed by the PR Committee, submissions will be voted on by the entire league.
1. If you are new to the concept of Roller Derby, take a look at what other leagues across the nation have used to visually represent themselves. Get inspired, but don't steal.
2. Keep in mind that this logo will be screen printed, embroidered, spray painted (maybe even tattooed?) on everything that is FCGGD. We need something that will look fabulous whether it measures 1 inch (buttons) or 3 feet (banners).
3. An un-official survey of the skaters found that a circular logo was favored. But don't feel confined to one shape, you're the art-genius, dazzle us with your vision!
4. Tough, Sexy, Athletic, Hard-Core, all good words to describe the logo we are looking for. If you are feeling creatively blocked, ask a rollergirl. We're happy to wax poetically about Roller Derby, in fact some of us can't stop.
5. Feel free to capitalize on our existing logo, since she is a sweet, sexy, sassy lil' gal. If you choose to offer a new rendition, please be sure to use her as your inspiration, but make it your original artwork.
We want you to design the sweetest derby logo in existence for your very own FoCo Girls Gone Derby. We are looking for your original design, or new rendition of our existing logo, to plaster on posters, handbills, t-shirts, buttons and everything FoCo!
And what do you get in return? Well, aside from fortune, fame and the undying adoration of the FoCo Girls Gone Derby, you'll receive a Weblink, recognition in the 2010 FCGGD Programs, a 2010 VIP Season Ticket and a sweet swag bag of Derby merch featuring your design.
1. All artwork submitted must be original and may not compromise the copyright of any previously published piece or other derby league's logo.
2. All artwork must be submitted by Nov. 2.
3. Number of entries is unlimited.
4. Entries must incorporate the text "FoCo Girls Gone Derby".
5. Entries may be submitted via email to winnie_chester_270@yahoo.com. Emails should not exceed 8MB. Zipped/Compressed files are acceptable. Submissions on CDs will be accepted, however, CD will not be returned.
6. Vector-based entries are preferred, however entries may be submitted in the following formats: .EPS .AI(CS3 or Below) .PSD .PDF .JPG .TIF
7. Entries must include artist's name, phone number and email address.
8. Upon entry in to the FoCo Girls Gone Derby Logo Redesign Contest, artist agrees to allow FoCo Girls Gone Derby to reproduce/display logos for contest promotional purposes.
9. Winner of the FoCo Girls Gone Derby Logo Redesign Contest agrees to allow FoCo Girls Gone Derby unlimited use/reproduction rights of the winning logo for FoCo Girls Gone Derby promotional purposes.
Submissions will be judged by FoCo Girls Gone Derby. After an intial round performed by the PR Committee, submissions will be voted on by the entire league.
1. If you are new to the concept of Roller Derby, take a look at what other leagues across the nation have used to visually represent themselves. Get inspired, but don't steal.
2. Keep in mind that this logo will be screen printed, embroidered, spray painted (maybe even tattooed?) on everything that is FCGGD. We need something that will look fabulous whether it measures 1 inch (buttons) or 3 feet (banners).
3. An un-official survey of the skaters found that a circular logo was favored. But don't feel confined to one shape, you're the art-genius, dazzle us with your vision!
4. Tough, Sexy, Athletic, Hard-Core, all good words to describe the logo we are looking for. If you are feeling creatively blocked, ask a rollergirl. We're happy to wax poetically about Roller Derby, in fact some of us can't stop.
5. Feel free to capitalize on our existing logo, since she is a sweet, sexy, sassy lil' gal. If you choose to offer a new rendition, please be sure to use her as your inspiration, but make it your original artwork.
July 23, 2009
July 20, 2009
Media Coverage - Loveland Reporter Herald 07/20/09

‘Theater’ on wheels
Drama, competition, daring apparel all a part of area roller derby league
By Kathryn Dailey
Loveland Reporter-Herald
Lawyer, stay-at-home mom and art director may be their day jobs, but when the fishnets and roller skates come out, these women become the girls of roller derby.
“It’s kind of a theater. It’s a way to bring some more excitement, more drama to the sport,” said Lyons resident Brittany Strachan of the colorful, daring apparel donned by the skaters. Read the complete story here... LovelandFYI.com
July 17, 2009
July 8, 2009
Face off Sunday, July 19, in Northern Colorado’s first
At the Budweiser Events Center
5290 Arena Circle, Loveland
Bout begins at 3 p.m.
It’s no secret there’s been some bad blood between Fort Collins’ Girls Gone Derby and Greeley’s Slaughterhouse Derby Girls, but despite their bitter history, Northern Colorado’s two roller derby leagues can agree on one thing – playing a tough but sportswoman-like competition for their fans. This grudge match is not to be missed.
FoCo Girls Gone Derby is certified by roller derby’s official national governing board, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (W.F.T.D.A.). The league donates a portion of the proceeds from each bout to a worthy cause. Habitat for Humanity will benefit from the July 19 bout. As part of FCGGD’s contribution, a “Derby Girl for a Day” prize package was auctioned off at the annual Hard Hat, Black Tie Gala for Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity on June 6. Winner Jenny Florez and her friend Shannon Hein will be honorary derby girls for a day and will participate behind the scenes at this bout. They will be photographed with the skaters, receive autographed merchandise and hang with the team on the bench and at the afterparty.
Tickets for all ages are $10 in advance and $15 the day of the bout. They can be purchased at the Budweiser Events Center box office and www.BrownPaperTickets.com.
For more information, visit:
Face off Sunday, July 19, in Northern Colorado’s first
At the Budweiser Events Center
5290 Arena Circle, Loveland
Bout begins at 3 p.m.
It’s no secret there’s been some bad blood between Fort Collins’ Girls Gone Derby and Greeley’s Slaughterhouse Derby Girls, but despite their bitter history, Northern Colorado’s two roller derby leagues can agree on one thing – playing a tough but sportswoman-like competition for their fans. This grudge match is not to be missed.
FoCo Girls Gone Derby is certified by roller derby’s official national governing board, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (W.F.T.D.A.). The league donates a portion of the proceeds from each bout to a worthy cause. Habitat for Humanity will benefit from the July 19 bout. As part of FCGGD’s contribution, a “Derby Girl for a Day” prize package was auctioned off at the annual Hard Hat, Black Tie Gala for Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity on June 6. Winner Jenny Florez and her friend Shannon Hein will be honorary derby girls for a day and will participate behind the scenes at this bout. They will be photographed with the skaters, receive autographed merchandise and hang with the team on the bench and at the afterparty.
Tickets for all ages are $10 in advance and $15 the day of the bout. They can be purchased at the Budweiser Events Center box office and www.BrownPaperTickets.com.
For more information, visit:
July 7, 2009
July 6, 2009
End of Derby Vacation
Whew! Although we may have had a bit of a break from practice, derby has not been in the background for most of us. We are getting ready to host the Greeley Slaughterhouse girls at the Budweiser Events Center on Sunday, July 19, 2009. With the bout being in a different venue, on a different day and in the afternoon rather than our usual Saturday night bouts at Roller Land, this has presented a challenge for quite a few of us. But, we are derby! No challenge is too big for us! It's shaping up to be a great bout with some great sponsors contributing and the FoCo Girls Gone Derby working their little booties off to ensure our fans will have a great afternoon! Although we are still finalizing our halftime entertainment, it promises to be fan interactive and just as entertaining as the bout itself. After the bout, look for your favorite derby girls from both FoCo and Slaughterhouse to sign autographs and answer any derby questions you fans might have. Also, keep your eyes peeled during the bout for our Derby Ambassadors who will be available to answer questions and help explain the rules.
Keep checking back for the after party info! Love and Skate, babies!
~Mary Queen O' Shots
Keep checking back for the after party info! Love and Skate, babies!
~Mary Queen O' Shots
July 5, 2009
Roller Derby is Awesome!
After only one month as a recruit, I'm addicted. Every bruised bone & muscle is my own private merit badge. Whisper "wanna go skate?" and I'm out the door. I knew I'd like it, but I didn't know how MUCH I'd like it! I am paying money to be physically abused several times a week, and I couldn't be happier about it. Someone told me derby would take over my life, and I can see why. I'm looking forward to helping the league off the track in whatever job they need me in. I'm skating with a great group of women, and I'm just talking about the recruits - I hardly know the "big girls" yet (but can't wait to be one of them!) Interested? You don't have to know how to skate - I didn't. It's amazing what our coach has done for me in so little time. Not that I've suddenly become a great skater, but I went from barely being able to propel myself around the track to being able to at least look like I have a clue as to what I'm doing. I can cross! I can fall and immediately get back up and keep skating (OK, most of the time)! Thanks, Coach :)
July 3, 2009
JR Roller Derby
Poison Divey here - My daughter just started Jr Roller Derby in Greeley. She loves it... they are just working on skating skills and have a very small handful of girls. You can even join before you own your skates & pad. You will just work on floor exercises to build your skating muscles.
Here are the details:
Our Jr League ages are 9 to 17, with no other requirements. The girls don't hit, but we will teach them blocking and falls. As they get older, however, we will work on their hitting so they can transition into the adult league.
Girls can come on any Wednesday from 6 to 8, and new girls can start any time. I request that all girls bring tennis shoes, especially new girls, that way we can work on off skate drills and get their muscles ready for skates. If they are comfortable on skates, they can work with the girls that are already skating.
This all takes place at the Kill Floor in Greeley, Home of Slaughterhouse Derby Girls.
Here are the details:
Our Jr League ages are 9 to 17, with no other requirements. The girls don't hit, but we will teach them blocking and falls. As they get older, however, we will work on their hitting so they can transition into the adult league.
Girls can come on any Wednesday from 6 to 8, and new girls can start any time. I request that all girls bring tennis shoes, especially new girls, that way we can work on off skate drills and get their muscles ready for skates. If they are comfortable on skates, they can work with the girls that are already skating.
This all takes place at the Kill Floor in Greeley, Home of Slaughterhouse Derby Girls.
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