Have you ever pictured yourself bouting with FOCO GIRLS GONE DERBY?
Northern Colorado's premiere derby league FoCo Girls Gone Derby will be having OPEN RECRUITMENT Monday, December 7th @ 8:00pm. Meeting will take place at Rollerland Skate Center - 324 S. Link Lane, in FOCO.
Even if you think you have two left feet, as long as you have a positive attitude and motivation, we will train you to join the ranks of FoCo's Derby Girls.
Recruitment is open to women 21 years of age or older.
Remember to visit www.focogirlsgonederby.com and sign up for our monthly newsletter to keep you updated on all the derby action.
December 6, 2009
November 24, 2009
December 5th Season Closer
Saturday, Dec. 5 at Rollerland Skate Center, 324 S. Link Lane, Fort Collins
Doors open at 6 p.m., bout begins at 7
Saturday, Dec. 5 at Rollerland Skate Center, 324 S. Link Lane, Fort Collins
Doors open at 6 p.m., bout begins at 7

Fort Collins’ home teams, Chanel Cartel & Deathrow Dolls, will meet on the track one last time in 2009. It has been a tumultuous season for Northern Colorado’s original roller derby league, but FoCo Girls Gone Derby never fails to put on exciting and entertaining bouts. Each bout this year has been highly competitive, and on Dec. 5, underdogs Chanel Cartel hope to close out the season with a win against powerhouse team Death Row Dolls.

This year’s season closer is also a very special night for Chanel Cartel skater Kaiti “Rox Yorr Soxov” Hines, who will wed fiancĂ© Matt Orr during halftime. FoCo coach Reverend Jimmie James will perform a brief, but completely legitimate, ceremony. The bride won’t be wearing white, though; she’ll be sporting her team colors: black and gold, and – of course – her skates! You’ve seen her cut through the pack as a jammer and knock girls down as a blocker, but on Dec. 5, you will get the rare opportunity to see Roxy as a blushing bride.
Instead of a wedding gift, bring a toy to donate to the Toys for Kids drive and get $2 off admission to the bout. FoCo derby girls are partnering with the City of Fort Collins Recreation Department in their benefit to collect toys for disadvantaged youths in Fort Collins. Toys should be new, in the package, but unwrapped and appropriate for kids ages 3-12.
As with all of our bouts, beer will be on sale for those 21 and older. An afterparty location will be announced at the bout.
Presale tickets are $10, and tickets will be $15 at the door. Students receive a reduced rate of $7 with a current student ID. Ages 10 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased through the Rollerland Skate Center ticket booth, from any FoCo derby girl or online at www.brownpapertickets.com or www.focogirlsgonederby.com. Purchases also can be processed via phone at 1-800-838-3006.
For more information, visit www.focogirlsgonederby.com
October 20, 2009
September 27, 2009
Black & Blue Ball - Oct 10th
You Are Cordially Invited to Attend
FoCo Girls Gone Derby’s Black and Blue Ball
Roller Derby Bout on Saturday, October 10
at Rollerland Skate Center, 324 S. Link Lane, Fort Collins
Doors open at 6 p.m., bout begins at 7
Fort Collins’ two home teams, the Death Row Dolls and Chanel Cartel, will face off for the first time since June on Saturday, Oct. 10, at our annual formal. Skaters will be gussied up in evening gowns, and the ruffles and sequins are going to fly. Just because FoCo’s skaters clean up pretty, doesn’t mean they will play nice.
The league has spent the past several months training new recruits who will be our featured debutantes at the ball. These girls are ready to dance. However, there’s no choreographing in derby. All the hip checks, whips, hits and pushes are real.
“Whip It!”, starring Drew Barrymore and Ellen Page as rollergirls, is set to open in theaters Oct. 2. The movie, based on a book written by a real derby girl, is an example of the resurgence of the sport. Experience the real thing firsthand with local players who may be your friends, neighbors or co-workers.
This will be the prom you wish you’d attended. Fans are encouraged to wear formal attire and participate in FoCo Girls’ fundraiser by having their photos taken with a derby girl. Halftime entertainment will be provided by a belly dancing troupe, and beer will be for sale for those 21 and older. An afterparty location will be announced at the bout.
Entry is $10 for presale tickets and $15 for tickets purchased at the door. Students receive a reduced rate of $7 with a current student ID. Ages 10 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased through the Rollerland Skate Center ticket booth, The Bean Cycle coffee shop, any FoCo derby girl or online at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/78268. Purchases also can be processed via phone at 1-800-838-3006.
FoCo Girls Gone Derby’s Black and Blue Ball
Roller Derby Bout on Saturday, October 10
at Rollerland Skate Center, 324 S. Link Lane, Fort Collins
Doors open at 6 p.m., bout begins at 7
Fort Collins’ two home teams, the Death Row Dolls and Chanel Cartel, will face off for the first time since June on Saturday, Oct. 10, at our annual formal. Skaters will be gussied up in evening gowns, and the ruffles and sequins are going to fly. Just because FoCo’s skaters clean up pretty, doesn’t mean they will play nice.
The league has spent the past several months training new recruits who will be our featured debutantes at the ball. These girls are ready to dance. However, there’s no choreographing in derby. All the hip checks, whips, hits and pushes are real.
“Whip It!”, starring Drew Barrymore and Ellen Page as rollergirls, is set to open in theaters Oct. 2. The movie, based on a book written by a real derby girl, is an example of the resurgence of the sport. Experience the real thing firsthand with local players who may be your friends, neighbors or co-workers.
This will be the prom you wish you’d attended. Fans are encouraged to wear formal attire and participate in FoCo Girls’ fundraiser by having their photos taken with a derby girl. Halftime entertainment will be provided by a belly dancing troupe, and beer will be for sale for those 21 and older. An afterparty location will be announced at the bout.
Entry is $10 for presale tickets and $15 for tickets purchased at the door. Students receive a reduced rate of $7 with a current student ID. Ages 10 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased through the Rollerland Skate Center ticket booth, The Bean Cycle coffee shop, any FoCo derby girl or online at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/78268. Purchases also can be processed via phone at 1-800-838-3006.
September 20, 2009
On Spillin'
My thoughts go out to one of the newer ladies on the team this past weekend, who suffered a skate-to-the-back at practice and subsequently needed some medical treatment. I know that injuries within the sport happen all of the time, but when it hits home, it sort of put things into perspective. Roller derby is a real sport; we all work just as hard as any other team of athletes when we're out skating on the rink. We risk injuries every night, and we keep coming back for more because we love it!
September 18, 2009
Out Of Play Penalty (Bridging) 20 Feet Rules 4.3 and 6.5
Ok I think I see now what's up, not really called bridging to me just moving the engagement zone up 10 feet . But if you have one skater within 10 feet(hips) of the pack in front, then 20 feet from her for out of play penalties. If she is pass 10 feet in front of the pack, then she is not part of the pack but still in play and there is no bridging here. So then the skater that was 10 feet in front of the bridging skater now becomes pass the 20 feet and can receive out of play penalties. Cool I think I am clear on this now and will remember to look for this on the next practice.
In rules 4.0 section 4.3 shows a diagram of the out of play, 6.5 explains the out of play penalties.
In rules 4.0 section 4.3 shows a diagram of the out of play, 6.5 explains the out of play penalties.
September 16, 2009
FoCo Girls Gone Derby on Video... by Nigel Aves
Thunder in the Rockies 2009
FoCo Girls Gone Derby - Donna's VS Bruising Altitude
thank you Nigel Aves of Soft Focus Imaging
FoCo Girls Gone Derby - Donna's VS Bruising Altitude
thank you Nigel Aves of Soft Focus Imaging
September 7, 2009
Of Work and Soy Sauce
Today, instead of cheering my team on, at what I am sure was an awesome Labor Day bout, I was at work. Nothing is worse than spending a day doing lame tasks, when I know I could be screaming for my teammates with a bunch of bikers. Instead I was doing laundry, grading papers, and cleaning spilled soy sauce out of my fridge. Oh well it is my lame life that pays my dues so I can skate. At least tomorrow I can look forward to pulling up knee socks, lacing up my skates, and slamming my body into other women. Just seeing my skate bag puts a smile on my face. :)
Sunny D. Capitate
P.S. Check out a totally cheesy but fun roller derby song "Roller Derby Saved My Soul" by Uncle Leon and the Alibis
Sunny D. Capitate
P.S. Check out a totally cheesy but fun roller derby song "Roller Derby Saved My Soul" by Uncle Leon and the Alibis
August 20, 2009
Dislocated Shoulder
Here is some info for a Dislocated Shoulder
Dislocated Shoulder Treatment Tips -- powered by eHow.com
Dislocated Shoulder Treatment Tips -- powered by eHow.com
August 19, 2009
Holy Ribcage Batman
I hate having an invisible injury. My ribcage is messed up and causing me a lot of pain, but no one can see it. This means no pity for me and everyone invariably hugs me really hard. Thanks to Urrkn' and the recruits for letting me skate with them while I heal up. Good luck to the Kung Fu Donnas this Saturday in Lincoln, Nebraska . Extra special luck to my travel team the Judo Janes . I know you will rock it out there. Knock a couple down for me.
August 15, 2009
August 14, 2009
Upcoming Event - Car Wash Fundraiser
FOCO Girls Gone Derby will be having a car wash in Loveland to get our girls out to Lincoln, NE and play No Coast Derby Girls. So come out on SATURDAY (8/15) and get your ride squeaky clean by your favorite derby girls. Begins at 11am and goes on till 2pm. Car wash location is 2424 N. Lincoln ave. Loveland, CO (across from The Egg & I) Your donation will be gladly appreciated. Remember FOCO Girls Gone Derby is skater owned and operated and we couldn't skate without the support from our sponsors and fans.
August 10, 2009
Skate Drag
I'm so sick of going through skate laces like underwear. This last week alone I had to replace the lace on my left skate 3 TIMES! Anyone else have this jacked up luck??? I tried sanding out the eyelets like I was told but I don't think that helped much. I use leather laces on my work boots and they have lasted me a good while even though sparks and hot metal fall on them throughout the day. However, I heard leather laces on skates break faster than the nylon ones we have. I will have to try them out anyway to test my theory. I've been doing my lace homework and I came across these Snakes! Laces by Old Kook. If worse comes to worse, I'll have to try these bad boys out!
August 9, 2009
August 5, 2009
Trial and Error
OK! so here's my third attempt of posting a blog on the FOCO Girls Gone Derby's Blog...
I hope it works... I have lots of thing to "Blog" about, my mind is always racing and for those of you that know me, I've always got something to say, or something to laugh about.
***Crosses Fingers***
I hope it works... I have lots of thing to "Blog" about, my mind is always racing and for those of you that know me, I've always got something to say, or something to laugh about.
***Crosses Fingers***
August 2, 2009
P.S. I <3 this video
Sorry to post two in a row, but I think this video is the freaking cutest.
Sunny D.
Practice, practice, practice
Thursday is scrimmage night. I just made the Chanel Cartel in June, so scrimmaging is still pretty new to me. I really love scrimmaging, but I am still learning how to be an effective member of the team. I know it just takes practice to know when to hit, dodge, slow down, speed up etc, etc. It is challenging and exciting. The best part of last Thursday's scrimmage was jamming. That's right I was a jammer. I had a great time and it was EXHAUSTING. I don't know how you other ladies do it over and over again. I got hit down a lot, fell down a lot, and wasn't very good at getting through the pack. However, I really feel I learned a lot about what it is like to be a jammer I'm going to be hitting girls out of my jammers way and pushing her though as much as I can, because that is a tough job you ladies do.
Until next time,
Sunny D. Capitate
Until next time,
Sunny D. Capitate
July 31, 2009
July 27, 2009
Logo Design Contest
That's right all you artsy-derby lovers!
We want you to design the sweetest derby logo in existence for your very own FoCo Girls Gone Derby. We are looking for your original design, or new rendition of our existing logo, to plaster on posters, handbills, t-shirts, buttons and everything FoCo!
And what do you get in return? Well, aside from fortune, fame and the undying adoration of the FoCo Girls Gone Derby, you'll receive a Weblink, recognition in the 2010 FCGGD Programs, a 2010 VIP Season Ticket and a sweet swag bag of Derby merch featuring your design.
1. All artwork submitted must be original and may not compromise the copyright of any previously published piece or other derby league's logo.
2. All artwork must be submitted by Nov. 2.
3. Number of entries is unlimited.
4. Entries must incorporate the text "FoCo Girls Gone Derby".
5. Entries may be submitted via email to winnie_chester_270@yahoo.com. Emails should not exceed 8MB. Zipped/Compressed files are acceptable. Submissions on CDs will be accepted, however, CD will not be returned.
6. Vector-based entries are preferred, however entries may be submitted in the following formats: .EPS .AI(CS3 or Below) .PSD .PDF .JPG .TIF
7. Entries must include artist's name, phone number and email address.
8. Upon entry in to the FoCo Girls Gone Derby Logo Redesign Contest, artist agrees to allow FoCo Girls Gone Derby to reproduce/display logos for contest promotional purposes.
9. Winner of the FoCo Girls Gone Derby Logo Redesign Contest agrees to allow FoCo Girls Gone Derby unlimited use/reproduction rights of the winning logo for FoCo Girls Gone Derby promotional purposes.
Submissions will be judged by FoCo Girls Gone Derby. After an intial round performed by the PR Committee, submissions will be voted on by the entire league.
1. If you are new to the concept of Roller Derby, take a look at what other leagues across the nation have used to visually represent themselves. Get inspired, but don't steal.
2. Keep in mind that this logo will be screen printed, embroidered, spray painted (maybe even tattooed?) on everything that is FCGGD. We need something that will look fabulous whether it measures 1 inch (buttons) or 3 feet (banners).
3. An un-official survey of the skaters found that a circular logo was favored. But don't feel confined to one shape, you're the art-genius, dazzle us with your vision!
4. Tough, Sexy, Athletic, Hard-Core, all good words to describe the logo we are looking for. If you are feeling creatively blocked, ask a rollergirl. We're happy to wax poetically about Roller Derby, in fact some of us can't stop.
5. Feel free to capitalize on our existing logo, since she is a sweet, sexy, sassy lil' gal. If you choose to offer a new rendition, please be sure to use her as your inspiration, but make it your original artwork.
We want you to design the sweetest derby logo in existence for your very own FoCo Girls Gone Derby. We are looking for your original design, or new rendition of our existing logo, to plaster on posters, handbills, t-shirts, buttons and everything FoCo!
And what do you get in return? Well, aside from fortune, fame and the undying adoration of the FoCo Girls Gone Derby, you'll receive a Weblink, recognition in the 2010 FCGGD Programs, a 2010 VIP Season Ticket and a sweet swag bag of Derby merch featuring your design.
1. All artwork submitted must be original and may not compromise the copyright of any previously published piece or other derby league's logo.
2. All artwork must be submitted by Nov. 2.
3. Number of entries is unlimited.
4. Entries must incorporate the text "FoCo Girls Gone Derby".
5. Entries may be submitted via email to winnie_chester_270@yahoo.com. Emails should not exceed 8MB. Zipped/Compressed files are acceptable. Submissions on CDs will be accepted, however, CD will not be returned.
6. Vector-based entries are preferred, however entries may be submitted in the following formats: .EPS .AI(CS3 or Below) .PSD .PDF .JPG .TIF
7. Entries must include artist's name, phone number and email address.
8. Upon entry in to the FoCo Girls Gone Derby Logo Redesign Contest, artist agrees to allow FoCo Girls Gone Derby to reproduce/display logos for contest promotional purposes.
9. Winner of the FoCo Girls Gone Derby Logo Redesign Contest agrees to allow FoCo Girls Gone Derby unlimited use/reproduction rights of the winning logo for FoCo Girls Gone Derby promotional purposes.
Submissions will be judged by FoCo Girls Gone Derby. After an intial round performed by the PR Committee, submissions will be voted on by the entire league.
1. If you are new to the concept of Roller Derby, take a look at what other leagues across the nation have used to visually represent themselves. Get inspired, but don't steal.
2. Keep in mind that this logo will be screen printed, embroidered, spray painted (maybe even tattooed?) on everything that is FCGGD. We need something that will look fabulous whether it measures 1 inch (buttons) or 3 feet (banners).
3. An un-official survey of the skaters found that a circular logo was favored. But don't feel confined to one shape, you're the art-genius, dazzle us with your vision!
4. Tough, Sexy, Athletic, Hard-Core, all good words to describe the logo we are looking for. If you are feeling creatively blocked, ask a rollergirl. We're happy to wax poetically about Roller Derby, in fact some of us can't stop.
5. Feel free to capitalize on our existing logo, since she is a sweet, sexy, sassy lil' gal. If you choose to offer a new rendition, please be sure to use her as your inspiration, but make it your original artwork.
July 23, 2009
July 20, 2009
Media Coverage - Loveland Reporter Herald 07/20/09

‘Theater’ on wheels
Drama, competition, daring apparel all a part of area roller derby league
By Kathryn Dailey
Loveland Reporter-Herald
Lawyer, stay-at-home mom and art director may be their day jobs, but when the fishnets and roller skates come out, these women become the girls of roller derby.
“It’s kind of a theater. It’s a way to bring some more excitement, more drama to the sport,” said Lyons resident Brittany Strachan of the colorful, daring apparel donned by the skaters. Read the complete story here... LovelandFYI.com
July 17, 2009
July 8, 2009
Face off Sunday, July 19, in Northern Colorado’s first
At the Budweiser Events Center
5290 Arena Circle, Loveland
Bout begins at 3 p.m.
It’s no secret there’s been some bad blood between Fort Collins’ Girls Gone Derby and Greeley’s Slaughterhouse Derby Girls, but despite their bitter history, Northern Colorado’s two roller derby leagues can agree on one thing – playing a tough but sportswoman-like competition for their fans. This grudge match is not to be missed.
FoCo Girls Gone Derby is certified by roller derby’s official national governing board, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (W.F.T.D.A.). The league donates a portion of the proceeds from each bout to a worthy cause. Habitat for Humanity will benefit from the July 19 bout. As part of FCGGD’s contribution, a “Derby Girl for a Day” prize package was auctioned off at the annual Hard Hat, Black Tie Gala for Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity on June 6. Winner Jenny Florez and her friend Shannon Hein will be honorary derby girls for a day and will participate behind the scenes at this bout. They will be photographed with the skaters, receive autographed merchandise and hang with the team on the bench and at the afterparty.
Tickets for all ages are $10 in advance and $15 the day of the bout. They can be purchased at the Budweiser Events Center box office and www.BrownPaperTickets.com.
For more information, visit:
Face off Sunday, July 19, in Northern Colorado’s first
At the Budweiser Events Center
5290 Arena Circle, Loveland
Bout begins at 3 p.m.
It’s no secret there’s been some bad blood between Fort Collins’ Girls Gone Derby and Greeley’s Slaughterhouse Derby Girls, but despite their bitter history, Northern Colorado’s two roller derby leagues can agree on one thing – playing a tough but sportswoman-like competition for their fans. This grudge match is not to be missed.
FoCo Girls Gone Derby is certified by roller derby’s official national governing board, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (W.F.T.D.A.). The league donates a portion of the proceeds from each bout to a worthy cause. Habitat for Humanity will benefit from the July 19 bout. As part of FCGGD’s contribution, a “Derby Girl for a Day” prize package was auctioned off at the annual Hard Hat, Black Tie Gala for Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity on June 6. Winner Jenny Florez and her friend Shannon Hein will be honorary derby girls for a day and will participate behind the scenes at this bout. They will be photographed with the skaters, receive autographed merchandise and hang with the team on the bench and at the afterparty.
Tickets for all ages are $10 in advance and $15 the day of the bout. They can be purchased at the Budweiser Events Center box office and www.BrownPaperTickets.com.
For more information, visit:
July 7, 2009
July 6, 2009
End of Derby Vacation
Whew! Although we may have had a bit of a break from practice, derby has not been in the background for most of us. We are getting ready to host the Greeley Slaughterhouse girls at the Budweiser Events Center on Sunday, July 19, 2009. With the bout being in a different venue, on a different day and in the afternoon rather than our usual Saturday night bouts at Roller Land, this has presented a challenge for quite a few of us. But, we are derby! No challenge is too big for us! It's shaping up to be a great bout with some great sponsors contributing and the FoCo Girls Gone Derby working their little booties off to ensure our fans will have a great afternoon! Although we are still finalizing our halftime entertainment, it promises to be fan interactive and just as entertaining as the bout itself. After the bout, look for your favorite derby girls from both FoCo and Slaughterhouse to sign autographs and answer any derby questions you fans might have. Also, keep your eyes peeled during the bout for our Derby Ambassadors who will be available to answer questions and help explain the rules.
Keep checking back for the after party info! Love and Skate, babies!
~Mary Queen O' Shots
Keep checking back for the after party info! Love and Skate, babies!
~Mary Queen O' Shots
July 5, 2009
Roller Derby is Awesome!
After only one month as a recruit, I'm addicted. Every bruised bone & muscle is my own private merit badge. Whisper "wanna go skate?" and I'm out the door. I knew I'd like it, but I didn't know how MUCH I'd like it! I am paying money to be physically abused several times a week, and I couldn't be happier about it. Someone told me derby would take over my life, and I can see why. I'm looking forward to helping the league off the track in whatever job they need me in. I'm skating with a great group of women, and I'm just talking about the recruits - I hardly know the "big girls" yet (but can't wait to be one of them!) Interested? You don't have to know how to skate - I didn't. It's amazing what our coach has done for me in so little time. Not that I've suddenly become a great skater, but I went from barely being able to propel myself around the track to being able to at least look like I have a clue as to what I'm doing. I can cross! I can fall and immediately get back up and keep skating (OK, most of the time)! Thanks, Coach :)
July 3, 2009
JR Roller Derby
Poison Divey here - My daughter just started Jr Roller Derby in Greeley. She loves it... they are just working on skating skills and have a very small handful of girls. You can even join before you own your skates & pad. You will just work on floor exercises to build your skating muscles.
Here are the details:
Our Jr League ages are 9 to 17, with no other requirements. The girls don't hit, but we will teach them blocking and falls. As they get older, however, we will work on their hitting so they can transition into the adult league.
Girls can come on any Wednesday from 6 to 8, and new girls can start any time. I request that all girls bring tennis shoes, especially new girls, that way we can work on off skate drills and get their muscles ready for skates. If they are comfortable on skates, they can work with the girls that are already skating.
This all takes place at the Kill Floor in Greeley, Home of Slaughterhouse Derby Girls.
Here are the details:
Our Jr League ages are 9 to 17, with no other requirements. The girls don't hit, but we will teach them blocking and falls. As they get older, however, we will work on their hitting so they can transition into the adult league.
Girls can come on any Wednesday from 6 to 8, and new girls can start any time. I request that all girls bring tennis shoes, especially new girls, that way we can work on off skate drills and get their muscles ready for skates. If they are comfortable on skates, they can work with the girls that are already skating.
This all takes place at the Kill Floor in Greeley, Home of Slaughterhouse Derby Girls.
June 9, 2009
Rational Alchemy - KRFC radio show with FOCO Girls Gone Derby
Kelly Ashwill Check out this week's podcast of the krfc Saturday night radio show, Rational Alchemy http://rational-alchemy.com/rational-alchemy-home-page Brian and Jamie were kind enough to invite The Reverend Jimmie James, P.h.Diva and Mary Queen of Shots to come on the show and clear up some common misconceptions about roller derby. Thank you, Rational Alchemy!
Rational Alchemy : Blogs, Musings and News
Source: rational-alchemy.com
Rational Alchemy providing a community for questioning some of the ludicrous (and some times highly questionable) claims we hear today. Rational Alchemy is the brain child of Brian Walsh, Nigel Aves and Jamie Folsom. The show airs every Saturday evening at 11:00 PM to Midnight.
Rational Alchemy : Blogs, Musings and News
Source: rational-alchemy.com
Rational Alchemy providing a community for questioning some of the ludicrous (and some times highly questionable) claims we hear today. Rational Alchemy is the brain child of Brian Walsh, Nigel Aves and Jamie Folsom. The show airs every Saturday evening at 11:00 PM to Midnight.
June 1, 2009
FoCo’s Death Row Dolls and Chanel Cartel bout June 13, 2009
FoCo’s Death Row Dolls and Chanel Cartel
are Refueled and Ready to Rumble
FoCo Girls Gone Derby, Northern Colorado’s foremost roller derby league, will bout
Saturday, June 13
at Rollerland Skate Center, 324 S. Link Lane, Fort Collins
Doors open at 6 p.m., bout begins at 7
FoCo Girls Gone Derby’s last bout on May 9 was a close one, with your two hometown teams, Chanel Cartel and Death Row Dolls, duking it out for domination. Death Row took the lead early and didn’t let up, with Chanel Cartel hot on their heels the entire bout. In the end, the Death Row Dolls pulled ahead with a 115-102 win.
That’s how we roll at FoCo. Your hometown teams are evenly matched in skill and strength, but each has its unique assets and cast of characters. Each bout presents a new line-up as veteran skaters are benched with injuries and new recruits join the ranks. Strategy is constantly evolving as the teams adapt new tactics to pummel the opponent. No plays are ever duplicated, and no two bouts are the same. All of this makes every match a must-see and entertaining event for our fans.
For your added enjoyment, FCGGD features halftime entertainment and beer for sale at every bout. Fort Collins band The Piggies will rock the June 13 bout. And fans are welcome to join us at the Aggie Theater for our afterparty on June 13 with bands The Photo Atlas and Ten Timers.
Choose a team to rally behind, or just cheer for the girl with the dirtiest derby name. Every FoCo Girls Gone Derby bout is guaranteed to be a good time.
Entry is $10 for presale tickets and $15 for tickets purchased at the door. Students receive a reduced rate of $7 with a current student ID. Ages 10 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased through the Rollerland Skate Center ticket booth, The Bean Cycle coffee shop, any FCGGD Roller Girl or online at http://www.brownpaperticket.com/. Purchases also can be processed via phone at 1-800-838-3006.
**Wanna get involved with the girls of FCGGD?**
For information about recruitment, refereeing, sponsorship, or volunteer opportunities visit: http://www.focogirlsgonederby.com/
**NOTE: Members of both teams are available for interviews. Tickets are also available as promotional give-aways during interviews.
are Refueled and Ready to Rumble
FoCo Girls Gone Derby, Northern Colorado’s foremost roller derby league, will bout
Saturday, June 13
at Rollerland Skate Center, 324 S. Link Lane, Fort Collins
Doors open at 6 p.m., bout begins at 7
FoCo Girls Gone Derby’s last bout on May 9 was a close one, with your two hometown teams, Chanel Cartel and Death Row Dolls, duking it out for domination. Death Row took the lead early and didn’t let up, with Chanel Cartel hot on their heels the entire bout. In the end, the Death Row Dolls pulled ahead with a 115-102 win.
That’s how we roll at FoCo. Your hometown teams are evenly matched in skill and strength, but each has its unique assets and cast of characters. Each bout presents a new line-up as veteran skaters are benched with injuries and new recruits join the ranks. Strategy is constantly evolving as the teams adapt new tactics to pummel the opponent. No plays are ever duplicated, and no two bouts are the same. All of this makes every match a must-see and entertaining event for our fans.
For your added enjoyment, FCGGD features halftime entertainment and beer for sale at every bout. Fort Collins band The Piggies will rock the June 13 bout. And fans are welcome to join us at the Aggie Theater for our afterparty on June 13 with bands The Photo Atlas and Ten Timers.
Choose a team to rally behind, or just cheer for the girl with the dirtiest derby name. Every FoCo Girls Gone Derby bout is guaranteed to be a good time.
Entry is $10 for presale tickets and $15 for tickets purchased at the door. Students receive a reduced rate of $7 with a current student ID. Ages 10 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased through the Rollerland Skate Center ticket booth, The Bean Cycle coffee shop, any FCGGD Roller Girl or online at http://www.brownpaperticket.com/. Purchases also can be processed via phone at 1-800-838-3006.
**Wanna get involved with the girls of FCGGD?**
For information about recruitment, refereeing, sponsorship, or volunteer opportunities visit: http://www.focogirlsgonederby.com/
**NOTE: Members of both teams are available for interviews. Tickets are also available as promotional give-aways during interviews.
May 31, 2009
Skating as a kid...
Hello Poison Divey here...
I have said many times "who knew skating every weekend as a kid would ever come in handy again". Knowing how to skate pretty well has helped with my confidence & just busting through the first part of training, but really its coming back to haunt me. I never joined speed skating or anything, just could skate backwards and rock out to Another One Bites the Dust & a some YMCA. Toe stops... is the huge down fall I'm feeling. I have this elementary school years trained instinct to go onto the damn toe stop. Its hard & I still feel super new to Derby. No matter how many times I tell myself to stop doing it, I concentrate on something & it sneaks back in. damn it. I'll get it. I just wish I could get it all so much quicker. (Problem with toe stops is that my balance is not very sturdy & anyone can just knock me over, I'm balanced on a little piece of rubber)
Going through training I was super confident - I had it down... I skated so much in elementary and can ride a skateboard in the bowls well enough (I got falling DOWN). But when you start skating in a pack, there is so much to think about, so many skills to develop all at once - so many dynamics. I find myself focusing in on one thing I need to get down & forget the other 3. I know it will come in time.. but its frustrating & I know its frustrating to the coaches (coaches are like " I told you not to use your toe stops anymore Divey"), like I'm not getting it. But DAMN, if you could witness my the visions in my head when I'm trying to fall asleep. I get it all down. Actually, I think that helps. Just having those visions of everything falling in place. I used to skate bowls the same way, finding those lines... ummm. Doesn't make for a good night sleep.
I truly admire all the ladies that have stuck through all these challenges and I plan to do the same. Derby has seemed to consume much more than I planned of my life & I'm happy here. I don't want to do derby, just so I can say I'm one of those rocking derby girls I want to be really good at it, at every position. I am so happy I have urrkn pushing me. I also feel so lucky to have such a huge variety of new friends.
I went all over the place with this post, I meant to just talk about my toe stops coming back to bite me in the ass, but so happy that I can put some muscle into my crosses. Having my early skating experience has helped me a lot, but there is so much more than skating involved. I've always been really hard on myself & its not low self confidence, its that I don't want to kid myself & think that I am good at something when there is so much I need to improve on. Its hard going through the learning curve & not rocking at something... but it will be worth it. I will rock... for those about to rock - we salute you. ha. not sure how an AC/DC song floated into this post, but there you are...
Divey #34A
FOCO Girls Gone Derby
I have said many times "who knew skating every weekend as a kid would ever come in handy again". Knowing how to skate pretty well has helped with my confidence & just busting through the first part of training, but really its coming back to haunt me. I never joined speed skating or anything, just could skate backwards and rock out to Another One Bites the Dust & a some YMCA. Toe stops... is the huge down fall I'm feeling. I have this elementary school years trained instinct to go onto the damn toe stop. Its hard & I still feel super new to Derby. No matter how many times I tell myself to stop doing it, I concentrate on something & it sneaks back in. damn it. I'll get it. I just wish I could get it all so much quicker. (Problem with toe stops is that my balance is not very sturdy & anyone can just knock me over, I'm balanced on a little piece of rubber)
Going through training I was super confident - I had it down... I skated so much in elementary and can ride a skateboard in the bowls well enough (I got falling DOWN). But when you start skating in a pack, there is so much to think about, so many skills to develop all at once - so many dynamics. I find myself focusing in on one thing I need to get down & forget the other 3. I know it will come in time.. but its frustrating & I know its frustrating to the coaches (coaches are like " I told you not to use your toe stops anymore Divey"), like I'm not getting it. But DAMN, if you could witness my the visions in my head when I'm trying to fall asleep. I get it all down. Actually, I think that helps. Just having those visions of everything falling in place. I used to skate bowls the same way, finding those lines... ummm. Doesn't make for a good night sleep.
I truly admire all the ladies that have stuck through all these challenges and I plan to do the same. Derby has seemed to consume much more than I planned of my life & I'm happy here. I don't want to do derby, just so I can say I'm one of those rocking derby girls I want to be really good at it, at every position. I am so happy I have urrkn pushing me. I also feel so lucky to have such a huge variety of new friends.
I went all over the place with this post, I meant to just talk about my toe stops coming back to bite me in the ass, but so happy that I can put some muscle into my crosses. Having my early skating experience has helped me a lot, but there is so much more than skating involved. I've always been really hard on myself & its not low self confidence, its that I don't want to kid myself & think that I am good at something when there is so much I need to improve on. Its hard going through the learning curve & not rocking at something... but it will be worth it. I will rock... for those about to rock - we salute you. ha. not sure how an AC/DC song floated into this post, but there you are...
Divey #34A
FOCO Girls Gone Derby
May 14, 2009
RollerCon 2009 - Vegas

I would like to go to this - with someone from around here.. (northern colorado) - who's down?
RollerCon 2009
JULY 29th through AUGUST 2ndThe biggest improvements in RollerCon for 2009 are going to affect those skaters who attend for the skating events.
JULY 29th through AUGUST 2ndThe biggest improvements in RollerCon for 2009 are going to affect those skaters who attend for the skating events.
From July 29, 2009 9:00 AM
Until August 02, 2009 12:00 AM
Imperial Palace3535 Las Vegas BlvdLas Vegas, NV
Imperial Palace3535 Las Vegas BlvdLas Vegas, NV
Poison Divey - 34A
May 3, 2009
Northern Colorado's Premier Roller Derby League - Home Bout
FoCo’s Death Row Dolls and Chanel Cartel
are back for the Ultimate Grudge Match!
FoCo Girls Gone Derby, Northern Colorado’s foremost roller derby league, will bout
Saturday, May 9 at Rollerland Skate Center, 324 S. Link Lane, Fort Collins
Doors open at 6 p.m., bout begins at 7

After a highly controversial outcome to the Season Opener in March, FoCo Girls Gone Derby are back for the ultimate grudge match between your two hometown teams, Chanel Cartel and Death Row Dolls.
FoCo’s derby season started with a smash. Having led most of the bout, Chanel Cartel was ahead as the clock wound down. In a nail-biting finale, the refs decided to hold one last jam in which Death Row managed to rack up enough points to win… or did they?
The final score has been hotly contested by the teams, but they are willing to settle the matter civilly – through hip checks – at the upcoming bout. No hard feelings, just hard hits.
FoCo Girls Gone Derby roller girls will participate in Walk MS at Loveland/Centerra on Saturday, May 9, and a portion of the proceeds from this bout will go to the National MS Society.
Entry is $10 for presale tickets and $15 for tickets purchased at the door. Students receive a reduced rate of $7 with a current, valid student ID. Ages 10 and under get in free. Tickets can be purchased through the Rollerland Skate Center ticket booth, The Bean Cycle, any FCGGD Roller Girl or online at the official FCGGD Web site http://www.focogirlsgonederby.com/ or at http://www.brownpaperticket.com/. Purchases also can be processed via phone at 1-800-838-3006.
**Wanna get involved with the girls of FCGGD?**
For information about recruitment, refereeing, sponsorship, or volunteer opportunities visit: http://www.focogirlsgonederby.com/
**NOTE: Members of both teams are available for interviews. Tickets are also available as promotional give-aways during interviews.
are back for the Ultimate Grudge Match!
FoCo Girls Gone Derby, Northern Colorado’s foremost roller derby league, will bout
Saturday, May 9 at Rollerland Skate Center, 324 S. Link Lane, Fort Collins
Doors open at 6 p.m., bout begins at 7
After a highly controversial outcome to the Season Opener in March, FoCo Girls Gone Derby are back for the ultimate grudge match between your two hometown teams, Chanel Cartel and Death Row Dolls.
FoCo’s derby season started with a smash. Having led most of the bout, Chanel Cartel was ahead as the clock wound down. In a nail-biting finale, the refs decided to hold one last jam in which Death Row managed to rack up enough points to win… or did they?
The final score has been hotly contested by the teams, but they are willing to settle the matter civilly – through hip checks – at the upcoming bout. No hard feelings, just hard hits.
FoCo Girls Gone Derby roller girls will participate in Walk MS at Loveland/Centerra on Saturday, May 9, and a portion of the proceeds from this bout will go to the National MS Society.
Entry is $10 for presale tickets and $15 for tickets purchased at the door. Students receive a reduced rate of $7 with a current, valid student ID. Ages 10 and under get in free. Tickets can be purchased through the Rollerland Skate Center ticket booth, The Bean Cycle, any FCGGD Roller Girl or online at the official FCGGD Web site http://www.focogirlsgonederby.com/ or at http://www.brownpaperticket.com/. Purchases also can be processed via phone at 1-800-838-3006.
**Wanna get involved with the girls of FCGGD?**
For information about recruitment, refereeing, sponsorship, or volunteer opportunities visit: http://www.focogirlsgonederby.com/
**NOTE: Members of both teams are available for interviews. Tickets are also available as promotional give-aways during interviews.
March 21, 2009
to the guys who...
me [iggy cocks] and barbie crash were out last night and met some fine gentlemen who were down to have us paint foco girls gone derby on the chests for out next bout so i wanted to put out there that anyone who would want to do that should message us on myspace and we'll give you free comp tickets and buy you a beer cuz that would be awesome!
March 20, 2009
Danger Ranger, ... Season Opener Afterparty

erica, laura mangles wilder

mia krush her, urkin jerkin, yoshi twisted

iggy cocks, buster hiney, mia krush her, laura mangles wilder, barbie crash, hand solo

tammy fay slayer

mary queen of shots, sexy q, battle e portman

mia krush her, llbruisa peach

dizzy lizzy, box watcher, iona switchblade

winnie chester, .... stripping

sexy qutioner, battle e portman

mia krush her, iggy cocks, hand solo, buster hiney
March 18, 2009
Our First WFTDA Ranking Bout!!!
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